Partly Sunny
Houston, a fast-paced city filled with Midtown lofts and to-die-for shopping malls is where Darcy Daniels calls home. At first glance she comes off as shallow as a wading pool and as wrong in how she pursues the ideal life as offering a can of Budweiser at a Junior League event. The need to portray success clouds her head with every desire from the perfect pair of shoes to the outfit that might catch the eye of Mr. Right. Fashion magazines and celebrity television have created a distorted bubble which hovers overhead, skewing her vision of a meaningful existence. No one knows her self-esteem is as low as her opinion of the clothing she snubs at discount stores. She’s someone she's not. And she knows it. When she unravels the string holding together her shabby-chic faux existence, what will she find? Her key to happiness glistening like a crown jewel in a display case? Or a handful of diamonds in the rough rejects lacking the designer seal of approval.