Political Truth: The Media and the Assassination of President Kennedy
In 1963, President John F. Kennedy was killed in a coup d’état. Ever since then, it has been virtually taboo in the American mainstream media to report this basic truth. Instead, print and television ''news" reporters and historians spread the government's lies and attack people they label conspiracy theorists rather than investigating the case themselves. Joseph McBride, author of "Into the Nightmare: My Search for the Killers of President John F. Kennedy and Officer J. D. Tippit," offers a deep analysis of this dereliction of journalistic duty. "Political Truth" assimilates a wealth of media disinformation and contrastingly accurate investigations by independent researchers, reporters, and filmmakers. McBride's provocative study traces how the false reporting of the assassination has led to today's poisonous political divide over the meaning of historical reality.\nJoseph McBride has been a journalist since 1960, writing for such publications as the New York Times Book Review, the New York Review of Books, Life, the Los Angeles Times Magazine, and, on this subject, for The Nation. He is the author of many other books on films and other subjects, including acclaimed biographies of Frank Capra, John Ford, and Steven Spielberg. He is a professor in the School of Cinema at San Francisco State University.