Question of Sanity: The True Story of Female Serial Killers in 19th Century New York
The women who serve as the subjects for this book all share compelling stories. To be considered a serial killer one must kill at least three people, all within proximity to each other in terms of time. The motive is generally the same, from one murder to the next, as is the means by which death is brought about. Most are from North Central New York, living along the Erie Canal in small, isolated, rural communities. A majority of these women were dubbed 'Black Widows', women who murdered multiple husbands-often for profit. Some were called 'Baby Farmers', a title given to women accused of murdering infants. Others were known as 'Angels of Death', those who kill beneath the guise of providing care to the ill and infirmed. There were a few titled 'Avengers', women motivated by revenge and greed. And finally, those whose sanity is questioned, impelled to kill by delusions and paranoia. This is their story...