Does God Always Answer Prayer?
Steve Briggs is a business and life insurance consultant, having retired from a senior executive position in a major life insurance company after almost 40 years of service. Encountering his son s battle with drug and alcohol abuse brought him to his knees as he came to realize how little he could do to help his son break away from his addiction. Frustrated by hours of seemingly unanswered prayer he went to the Bible for answers and as the answers came and as he began to experience some peace in the midst of the storm he felt a clear call to share with others what God had done for him. He and his wife Lynn founded The Freedom Source, a not-for- profit organization dedicated to helping others find help when they or those they love are faced with such a struggle. The Freedom Source then spawned The Addiction Prevention Coalition which is engaged in challenging area youth to a leadership role in helping their generation resist the lure and destructive results of the drug and alcohol sub-culture through training in character, decision making and service, all with a foundation of truth based on Biblical principles. The frequency with which they met families and individuals who were struggling with their faith in the face of such adversity led Steve to pen this monograph, in the hope that his own struggle with whether God really answers prayer might help others work through the challenges to a closer walk with God, to a personal relationship of friendship rather than providing God a to do list when needed, to a realization that He just wants us to spend some time with Him and listen to Him, so He can give us that peace that passes all understanding.