One Woman's Century: Reflections on One Remarkable Life
This is the true story of one woman's remarkable life. Angela Marsh Peterson (1902-2000) was an extraordinary individual who encountered nearly every experience available to a twentieth century woman. She watched Haley's comet with her mother in 1910 and heard about the tragedy of the Titanic. While a teenager, she organized a war relief fundraiser for WWI. She would encounter marriage, motherhood, divorce, the death of a child, teaching school, and being a businesswoman. She experienced the Depression, World War II, and serving as a university dean. The daughter of a state senator, Angela would grow to survive rape, a nervous breakdown, and the aftermath of polio. In time, she would join the military and serve in Korea, Texas, and Turkey. She organized a travel company and would lead over a hundred tours to more than 40 countries. For a time, she was known as the most "well known American in the Middle East." Over the years, she had a theater background, a radio program, and a regular column. She created one of the first senior citizen centers in the country, and in her retirement she would found the Angela Peterson Doll and Miniature Museum. Although her life exploits were chronicled throughout the years in hundreds of letters and newspaper articles, she died impoverished and crippled in a nursing home. This is the amazing story of one woman's century.