From a cold, loveless childhood in the south, Dean finds sanctuary in his well-ordered brownstone in Manhattan. Single and successful, his life is shaken to the core when he meets soul mate, Melissa. But not because he can't take his eyes off of her, or because they're both products of dysfunctional families, but because Melissa's baggage contains fur and paws. Four cats enter Dean's life, nicking and clawing to stay number 1 in Melissa's heart. Dean maintains his sense of humor until his heart bursts when their two-year-old son,Craig, is diagnosed with autism. Stricken, Dean's past, present, and future collide when the world rejects his son. As Craig's need for human contact slips away, Melissa and Dean watch in awe as the cats reach through the veil of autism and touch Craig's heart. These unlikely furry, spiritual guides pierce Dean's defenses allowing him to see light, to see the other side of himself, and the reason he was put on the planet.