Dust Jacket
Poetry. Winner of the 2013 Elizabeth P. Braddock Prize for Poetry. "In DUST JACKET, Alexis Orgera sits down in the middle of the earth, and watches it revolve around her and all of us—any way the wind blows, sunny Alexis! Then she writes some sentences, and the world becomes a series of lush and fitful paragraphs ascending the ragged mountains, receding into the distance, peeling back the surfaces and skins of consciousness, and going deep into the hum of our uncommonest human fire. These prose poems almost burn themselves up as you read them, lighting your way through the dust-covered darkness."—Matt Hart
"DUST JACKET's prose poems, if that is what they are!, are zany, frightening, exhilarating, brilliant. They operate in a landscape where a little girl is 'the secret cousin of lava fields,' in a journey where the 'drive itself creates the most beautiful syntax, the sunset – amber – is a reflection of the sentences you speak on your way down.' Misadventures and the wildly discomfiting desires we suffer and live by inform every electrifying page. Alexis Orgera is an original, one of our most exciting new poets."—Gail Mazur