Unveiling the Hidden Instinct: Understanding Our Interdimensional Survival Awareness (KEYS TO CONSCIOUSNESS AND SURVIVAL SERIES)
OUR BASIC INSTINCTS ARE CALLING, REVEALING THEIR DEEPLY EMBEDDED WISDOMS. This book, UNVEILING THE HIDDEN INSTINCT, is Volume 3 in the KEYS TO INTERDIMENSIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND SURVIVAL SERIES by Dr. Angela Brownemiller. Author Dr. Angela Brownemiller offers new perspectives on what and who we Humans actually are. She takes a new approach to out-of-body, lucid dreaming, and other non-physical sensations, working up to her thesis that there is much more to the picture than we are presenting ourselves. Brownemiller tells us: We Humans have far more to work with here, even when and if survival issues are front and center. Every day, we are presented with minor and major opportunities, reasons, even needs, to listen to deep instinct, to better understand the nature of transitioning, shifting, from one state of mind, one way of being, one way of seeing the world, from one reality to another. In this sense, we are frequently calling upon ourselves to shift ourselves and our consciousnesses from one perspective and dimension of ourselves to another. At times, we may even sense that our well-being, perhaps even our survival, depends upon such a shift. We can open our minds, our consciousnesses, to the vast capacity to move across dimensions of our lives, minds, realities. We can see minor and major changes in our lives as learning experiences, even sometimes as survival learnings. We can learn about what transitions and shifts actually are, and how best to find our way through these. Should we at some point find the survival level need to shift ourselves (our awareness) across viewpoints, ways of seeing the world, realities, dimensions, even perhaps from physical to non-physical and back, it is essential we have at least already considered the concepts involved. This book introduces us, via metaphor, to minor and major transition-awarenesses, making these understandings accessible to us should we need these for everyday challenges as well as potentially profound survival reasons. ... Speaker, clinician, researcher, founder of the KEYS TO SELF® Program, Dr. Angela Brownemiller, also known as Dr. Angela®, is author of hundreds of books and articles on the human mind, spirit, and condition in our times. Dr. Angela® seeks to bridge modern and ancient sciences, consciousnesses, spiritualities, models, to bring new understandings of ourselves, and new visions of the future, with well-being and survival central in all her work. ... Author Dr. Angela Brownemiller has worked with several thousand persons from over twenty nations, in clinical, psychotherapeutic, educational, and research settings. This book, UNVEILING THE HIDDEN INSTINCT: UNDERSTANDING OUR INTERDIMENSIONAL SURVIVAL AWARENESS, offers readers insight into the true nature of our life form, and options for our evolution in the face of personal and species survival pressures. See DrAngela.com and KeysToSelf.com