For Knowing No Hurt No Harm: Hidden, Subtle, and Obvious Aspects of Intimate and Other Partner Abuse, Violence, and Terror
FOR KNOWING NO HURT NO HARM delves into the actual and frequently quite obscure (sometimes even secret) nature of intimate partner abuse and violence. Hidden, subtle, and even obvious aspects of this abuse in all its forms are discussed, portrayed, even revealed -- taking the discussion of partner abuse deeper to finer levels of analysis, beyond existing understandings. We may have to ask ourselves: What's love got to do with it? How do some (not all yet indeed some) partners, spouses, lovers, even causal dates, find themselves abusing each other? What is really taking place in these relationships? Right before our eyes, yes, this is abuse taking place. Some of this abuse is quite obvious. Much is quite subtle, even hidden -- hidden either unwittingly or yes, sometimes hidden purposefully. Violence takes many forms, ranging from non-physical emotional, verbal, social, economic, and other perhaps harder to identify, even covert, forms to physical, ranging from threatened abuse to actual abuse and even terror. Even physical abuse can range widely, from pushing to hitting to striking in other ways, to causing no or mild injury to moderate or great injury, even disability and death. All involved are affected in both the short and the long term, including the persons being abused, the persons doing the abusing, others who are also being abused by one or both of the abusing and abused partners, as well as the witnesses, children, other family members, neighbors, employers, co-workers, communities, societies.