How to Get Through Hell on Earth Without Drinking a Keg or Kicking a Garden Gnome: Real-Life Stories and Lessons
We were put on this earth to have fun, right? Then why does hell sometimes seem to lurk around every dang corner? Ryn Gargulinski shows you how to get through those hells with confidence and grace - or at least without drinking yourself into oblivion or battering yard ornaments. Come along on her journey from an alcoholic rebel living on the streets of New York City to a successful writer, artist, speaker, Reiki master and spiritual coach who hasn't had a drink in more than 23 years. A mingling of self-help and memoir, the first part of the book takes you through Ryn's bastion of trials and tribulations (both before and after she quit drinking). The second part shares tips and tricks you can apply to your own life to get through your own patchwork of hells. Written in Ryn's award-winning and brutally honest style, get ready to laugh, scoff and perhaps learn an important lesson or two about how you cope with your own life.