The Pillars of Zion Series - The Third Pillar of Zion-The Law of Consecration (B
This is Book 4 in The Pillars of Zion Series. This book explores the Law of Consecration, the third pillar of Zion. This book casts this law as a “template,” and answers questions about the law’s origin, past attempts, and future glory. This book demonstrates this law’s validity today and its power to create a Zion person, marriage, family or priesthood society. This volume includes the following: •Section 1: What Is the Law of Consecration? -Consecration—the Principle of Exaltation -Condition of Babylon -Definition of Consecration -Law We Must Live to Achieve the Celestial Kingdom -Consecrating the Good and the Bad -Consecration Is Nonnegotiable -Sanctified by Consecration: Law of the Celestial Kingdom -Ultimate Consecration—To Sacrifice a Prepared and Purified Heart -Live Consecration or Lose Eternal Life -Laying Everything on the Altar -Consecration and the Atonement -Temporal and Spiritual Salvation •Section 2: Consecration Results in Equality and Unity -Equality—"In Mine Own Way" -Equality and the Law of Prosperity -Esteeming All Flesh in One -Seven Points of Equality -Taking Equal Responsibility for the Cause of Zion -Unifying Power of the At-one-ment -Antagonism—Opposite of Synergy -Unity and Prayer -How We Achieve Unity -End Result of Unity -All Things Common among Them -Law of Common Consent -Love Leads Us to Eternal Life -Is Baptism Sufficient for Exaltation? -Two Purposes of the Law of the Gospel -Interwoven Covenants -Law of Sacrifice -Sacrifice and love •Section 3: Guiding Principles of Consecration -Guiding Principles of Consecration -Agency and Truth -Riches of the Earth Are the Lord's -God Becomes Our Paymaster -Stewardship and Equality -Profitable and Unprofitable Servants -Accountability -Idle Poor -Idle Rich -Virtue of Labor •Section 4: Ultimate Test—God or Mammon -Test of Riches -Only the Pure in Heart Can Pass This Test -Lord's Willingness to Be Tested -Consecration Is All about Love -A Change of Orders -Love of Money Is the Root of All Evil -Covetousness—Last Law -Higher and Lower Laws of Prosperity -More Weighty Matters -Trying to Mix Mammon and Zion -Warnings against Compromise -Making Mammon Holy -Mormon's View of the Last Days -First Commandments of This Dispensation -No Security in Mammon -Slippery Treasures -Lazarus and the Rich Man -Nothing Compares to the Danger -Lessons in the Scriptures Concerning Wealth -Persecuting the Poor -Wo unto the Rich Who Despise the Poor -They Rob the Poor -Building Sanctuaries -Wealth-Seeking—Sin That Hinders and Destroys the Church -Ugliness of Inequality Contrasted with the Beautiful Work of Angels -Withholding from and Judging the Poor Harshly -Evil of the Age: Life for Money -A Curse on the Daughters of Zion -Blessings for Those Who Rescue the Poor -Poor of the Lord's People Shall Trust in Zion -Consequences of Seeking Wealth and Persecuting the Poor -Loss of the Providences of Heaven -Loss of Priesthood Power and Exaltation -Failure in Our Mission -Loss of Peace -Loss of National Security -Who Shall Enter? -What Doth It Profit? -Voice of Seven Thunders -Choosing God over Mammon -Obtaining a Hope in Christ -Freely Ye Have Received, Freely Give -Feeding the Lord's Lambs -Choosing God's Marvelous Work over Babylon's Charms -Invoking the Law of Asking to Receive •Section 5: Royal Law -Royal Law Explains the Principles of Consecration -Cornerstones of the Law of Consecration -Mutual Assistance -Faith and the Proper Use of the Priesthood -Consecrating a Sickness and a Life to the Lord -Administration and Forgiveness of Sins -Consecration Requires Faith -Reciprocal Love -Charity—Pure Love of Christ -Charity Strengthened by Faith and Hope And Much More!