The Puberty Prevention Club
The Puberty Prevention Club is a coming of age story about an eleven-year-old boy who joins with his friends and grandmother to form the PPC - The Puberty- Prevention Club. Before puberty, kids are free spirits. They follow their hearts, are spontaneously creative, and believe in miracles. They don't know any better. The grandmother feels that, after menopause, seniors are also free spirits because they don't care anymore. It's those folks between puberty and menopause who are so uptight. The Puberty Prevention Club takes the parents on an emotional roller coaster ride. Their adventures culminate in an attention-grabbing, city-wide press conference held at a tree house. Here's where the PPC'ers make their point to the rest of the world. Here's where the parents learn to loosen up and take heed of the PPC motto: Life is just a dash between two numbers on a tombstone, so don't take it so seriously.