No, Wait. Yep. Definitely Still Hate Myself.
Poetry. Cover illustration by Natalya Lobanova. Robert Fitterman's new book- length poem borrows its poetic form, loosely, from James Schuyler's The Morning of the Poem, to orchestrate hundreds of found articulations of sadness and loneliness from blogs and online posts. A collective subjectivity composed through the avatar of a singular speaker emerges. But the real protagonist of NO WAIT, YEP. DEFINITELY STILL HATE MYSELF. is subjectivity as a mediated construct—the steady stream of personal articulations that we have access to are personal articulations themselves already mediated via song lyrics, advertising, or even broadcasters. NO, WAIT... blurs the boundary between collective articulation and personal speech, while underscoring the ways in which poetic form participates in the mediation of intimate expression.