It's Time: Conversation With Angels Volume III
The Angels Ask: Are You Ready? The one question that you are asked is, "Are you ready?" A bigger story is now unfolding, and it is your choice whether to be part of that story or watch it unfold from the sidelines. The greatest gift you have is being alive in a body at this time of immense changes and the opportunity to follow your path of truth and light. Human consciousness is ascending as a whole, along with Earth's vibration to its next evolutionary step. You, the one following your heart, are being asked to be one of the columns that support the bridge now being built to a new level of consciousness. Every transition aspires to be organic in form and pace to allow the ones who are destined to pave this road to build these bridges, creating a new roadmap for others to follow. This is what you are called to do and be. You are asked if you are ready to be part of that bridge and embody the pathway for others to follow. You are asked if you are ready to live from your heart, breathe from your heart, communicate from your heart, act from your heart, think from your heart, and feel from your heart. You are asked to be a pulsating, throbbing heart of light, opening and charting a new vibration for others to live by example. You are asked to be in that frequency all the time, even when you are asleep. Are you ready? We are not asking you to imagine it in some esoteric way; we are asking you to be it. And So Be It is you building a bridge that was never there before and taking a road that did not exist, paving it so the whole frequency of human consciousness aligns via the new coherent resonance that you are embodying through your heart. This is your potential and what this book is all about. You have asked to move higher. We have given you the roadmap. It is on you to step forward and manifest it. It's time.