Cultural Literacy for the Common Core: Six Steps to Powerful Practical Instruction for All Learners
Build your cultural literacy while inspiring deep, thoughtful, unbiased thinking in students. Discover a six-step framework for becoming culturally literate that complements the Common Core and encourages students to be at the center of learning. Explore how to develop teacher-student relationships, engage in collaborative conversations, and encourage feedback to give voice to the increasingly diverse student body found in today's classrooms.
- Motivate students to take renewed ownership of their learning.
- Stimulate creative thinking with culturally responsive instruction.
- Cultivate reflective dialogue through diverse lesson materials.
- Harness technology to connect to other learners in other geographic locations.
- Break down cultural barriers, and support a classroom community poised for learning.
Introduction: The Six-Step Framework
Chapter 1: Build Teacher-Student Relationships by Honoring Visibility and Voice
Chapter 2: Work and Plan Together Through Collaborative Conversations
Chapter 3: Use High-Yield, Research-Based Strategies
Chapter 4: Engage Students in Standards-Based Lessons
Chapter 5: Use Feedback to Self-Assess Learning
Chapter 6: Engage in a Cultural Literacy Journey