Luke: To The Lovers Of God
All four Gospels in our New Testament are inspired by God, but Luke’s gospel is unique and distinct. It has been described as the loveliest book ever written.
Luke writes clearly of the humanity of Jesus—as the servant of all, and the sacrifice for all. Every barrier is broken down in Luke’s gospel between Jew and Gentile, men and women, rich and poor. We see Jesus in Luke as the Savior of all who come to Him. A large amount of Luke’s gospel is not found in any other gospel narrative. If we did not have Luke, we wouldn’t know about the stories of the Prodigal Son, the Good Samaritan, the wedding banquet, and many other amazing teachings!
Luke is written to Theophilus. The name Theophilus means “friend of God” or “lover of God.” Since many scholars believe that the Theophilus mentioned in Luke’s writings was not a real person, this means that the gospel of Luke was written to all the lovers of God.
This new Passion Translation takes the stories and truths so dear to us and renders them into dynamic prose.
Dr. Brian Simmons has previously been involved in the translation project of the Kuna New Testament and has studied linguistics and Bible translation principles through New Tribes Mission. He and his family spent nearly eight years in the tropical rain forest of the Darien Province of Panama as a church planter, translator, and consultant. Afterward, he assisted in planting a thriving church in West Haven, CT—Gateway Christian Fellowship. Dr. Simmons now travels full time as a conference speaker and Bible teacher. Brian has been married for over forty years and boasts regularly of his three children and six grandchildren. He and his wife, Candice, make their home in Wichita, Kansas.