Six centuries from now, the Sol system is governed by the sole remaining corporation, EarthCorp. In exchange for basic needs, citizens of EarthCorp yield up rights that detract from productivity. Rights such as voting, and free worship. Unrepentant voters, Christians, and other undesirables are incarcerated on Penal Station Minotaur, orbiting Jupiter on the tiny moon Pasiphae. Keeping watch is bald, bearded John MacArthur, King John, the warden of the deep-space penitentiary. Most undesirable is Dr. Mordecai Cadmus, genetic engineer, killer, and would-be killer. Like all inmates on Minotaur, Cadmus is serving a life sentence, at least until Admiral Omar Jackson shows up with an unexpected demand. Along with the beautiful telepath Athena Roga, he wants Cadmus, and won't say why. When Cadmus gets loose on the station, MacArthur is trapped in a deadly confrontation with the most ruthless madman the galaxy has ever known. Old feuds awaken, brittle new alliances emerge, and fundamental philosophies are shaken as the Warden races to save his station and protect humanity from the evil genius of Mordecai Cadmus.