Native American Rites of Passage: The Process of Change and Transition (Centre for Pentecostal Theology Native North American Contextual Movement Series)
The Christian message and discipleship training have often come with the cultural baggage of the non-native Christians who have worked among Native populations. While spiritual formation is the ultimate goal of presenting Christ's message, the message has often been rejected as the White Man's Gospel. This study examines traditional Native Amerian rituals and demonstrates how these rituals can deepen Native American identity and help Native Christians grow in Christ. The study is presented within the context of two Native American ministries: The Brethren in Christ Alcohol Overcomers program and Wiconi International and its Family Camp. These contextual ministries have started to help Native Americans see how their own forms can have new meaning in helping them become stronger Christians. When accompanied by the contextual use of Native rites such as the Sweat Lodge Ceremony, the Pipe Ceremony, Powwow dancing, and singing with the drum, participants who go through these rites of passage experience an increased sense of spiritual well-being and self- esteem through the authentic Native expression of their Christian faith. This revised version of Church's doctoral dissertation will benefit anyone who has a serious commitment to making disciples in Native American communities.