Tales From Huntsville, Eden, Liberty and Beyond...
Tales from Huntsville, Eden, Liberty and Beyond also known as 'Tales from H.E.L. consists of stories based on legends from Utah s Ogden Valley, it s colorful past, as well as horror and ghost stories from beyond. The tales within these covers provide us with a spooky glimpse into H.E.L. and beyond... A woman who died in a crash hitchhikes in the Ogden Canyon A saloon is haunted by its past A perfume bottle is gifted twice A deserted shack lures lost teenagers A dog stands guard over his master s grave A girl picks up a hitchhiker who isn t what he seems A horse and her owner help solve a mystery A boy doesn t believe in Mountain Maggie until he sees her A house is built over an ancient burial ground A man is taunted by a reflection in his mirror A meticulous geek has enough of cruel office pranks A road trip turns into a horror movie A fun crystal mining expedition becomes a nightmare