Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage: Flag Page Small Group Study

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage: Flag Page Small Group Study image




Author(s): Mark Gungor
Released: Jan 01, 2010
Publisher: Sunatoria
Format: Paperback, 48 pages
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Mark Gungor brings the Flag Page to a small group format!Many people work hard to build and maintain their relationships, but don't have the information to truly understand the people around them. The Flag Page small group study is designed to provide you with a guide to help you understand other people - and YOURSELF! With Flag Pages in hand, you will learn how to support, build up, and believe in the people you care about.In this six-session study Mark Gungor explains the basics of the Flag Page and shows how powerful this simple tool is.Use it individually, as a couple, or in a group and experience how the Flag Page can generate understanding that will transform your relationships.

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