Venu-Gita: The Song of Krsna's Flute
Language: English
Pages: 190
We feel extremely privileged to present the fully revised second edition of the Venu-Gita, translated from the Hindi commentary written by our beloved Gurudeva om visnupada paramahamsa parivrajakacarya astottara-sata Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja. The first English edition, which appeared in 1995, was a compilation of the direct transcriptions of a series of lectures which our exalted Gurudeva had spoken in English several years before. The Hindi rendition, inspired by the English version, is the result of his deeply studying the commentaries of Srila Jiva Gosvami and Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura. He was so pleased with the Hindi rendition that he ordered it to be translated into English and published as soon as possible. The new English version flows much more smoothly than the original and convincingly captures the very charming sentiments stimulated in the hearts of the vraja-ramanis when they hear the sweetly alluring song of Sri Syamasundara's flute.
This book is a unique and invaluable contribution to our authentic Gaudiya Vaisnava literatures. If any sincere person reads it with an open mind, his heart will surely be attracted and infused with the desire to seriously cultivate vraja-bhakti. The introduction is also significant with its presentation of many authentic proofs in establishing what is the qualification to hear these confidential topics and in asserting that it is actually our duty to hear them from bona fide Vaisnavas in our disciplic line. Presenting many charming descriptions of the moods of the gopis who speak the Venu-Gita, this grantha is a beautiful and priceless gift given by our venerable Gurudeva to the sadhaka who is aspiring to doraganuga bhajana.
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