Acarya Kesari His Life and Teachings (Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami)
Language: English
Pages: 436 (40 B/W Illustrations)
About the Book
life of Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava
Gosvami Maharaja exemplified the lofty principles he
taught, and thus he is known as acarya. Just as a
lion (kesari) is gentle with her cubs and ferocious
with those who may harm them, he was affectionate with those who sincerely
aspired for Truth and roared like a lion when erroneous philosophy threatened
their safe passage to the spiritual world.
biography not only describes his glorious life, spotless character and
courageous preaching but it also details his lucid and penetrating delivery of Gaudiya philosophy. It depicts the qualities of a true acarya, who with his every breath demonstrated the pinnacle
of loyalty to guru and who resolutely protected the tenets of his disciplic lineage for the benefit of the souls of this
About the Author
sole measure of spiritual advancement is wholesale dedication to one's bona
fide guru. Nothing else. Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta
Narayana Gosvami Maharaja was the perfect embodiment
of such devotion. From the time of his first meeting with his gurudeva in 1946, he rendered him personal service and took
responsibility for his mission. Moreover, he fully imbibed his guru's teachings
on the Absolute Truth and meticulously practised them in every aspect of his
spiritual potency was acknowledged by Gaudiya Vaisnavas the world over, and he is revered as an ideal
servant of guru who can in turn