Handbook of Sport Marketing Research
Drawing from the seminal works published during the past two decades in Sport Marketing Quarterly, this collection edited by Nancy L. Lough and William A. Sutton brings to light foundational theories that have guided some of the most pragmatic studies to date. The Handbook of Sport Marketing Research revisits trends, presents instruments designed to assess key constructs, and provides critical analysis of industry practices with regard to issues such as gender, race, and ethical practices. Each section of this handbook is designed to provide foundational work reflecting development of key conceptual areas: *Section I. Foundations of Sport Marketing *Section II. Building Brands *Section III. Understanding Sport Consumers *Section IV. Market Segmentation *Section V. Fan Identity and Spectator Motives *Section VI. Sponsorship *Section VII. Celebrity Athlete Endorsements *Section VIII. Ethical Issues
The 28 chapters included serve as a reflection of the state of the industry through applied scholarly work during the past 20 years. Handbook of Sport Marketing Research is suitable for course adoptions or as a professional reference, and should be equally as intriguing to practitioners. The intent is to broaden the scope of interest and encourage a widening lens through which sport marketing is viewed.