The Audacity of Deceit: Barack Obama's War on American Values
What lies beneath Barack Obama's well-polished rhetoric will shock you. Obama touts change but his version is nothing less than a frontal assault on American values and traditions. Obama's goal? Bring America to her knees through a policy of managed decline. On his watch, our great nation will become a second-rate country on a downhill slide. In The Audacity of Deceit, Brad O'Leary takes you deep inside Obama's plans to dismantle the Second Amendment and destroy our economy while putting us in thrall to the United Nations and laying waste to all that millions of Americans hold dear.You'll learn:.How Obama's fatherless childhood mirrors that of Bill Clinton's and fuels his obsession with fame and power at any cost..How his tax plan would raise rates to a Hoover-like 60% and eviscerate America's economy..How the U.S. Treasury will become the United Nations' ATM..Why Obama wants to keep fuel prices high and Americans immobilized..The 0 to 5 initiative designed to transfer child-rearing from parents to the state.Here are the ugly facts about Barack Hussein Obama.