10 Things Not to Say to Your Gifted Child: One Family's Perspective
This book offers a different perspective on parenting gifted children: what not to do. Most books for parents of gifted youngsters focus on what adults should be doing, but not many hone in on how inadvertently we push our children to be more "normal," or more "reasonable," or even, sometimes, more exceptional. The author takes common mistakes that parents make (mistakes that even she admits to making with her own children) and discusses why these are harmful to gifted children, and she offers better, healthier approaches that will help gifted children become comfortable with who they are and strive to be all that they are capable of being.
As a bonus, one of the author's three now-adult children has written a postscript to each chapter, discussing what it was like to be a gifted child dealing with the particular issue at hand. This additional insight is an enlightening and invaluable part of understanding gifted children.