Eve, Abigail, Sappphira...
In an American culture that is constantly drifting away from moral values and biblically defined gender roles, the voice of Jacqueline Jenkins cries in the wilderness, "make His paths straight!", in her timely new book, Eve, Abigail, Sapphira., Jacqueline remixes the biographies of major women in the Bible and presents them as character building learning models in a fresh new way. Each chapter is a journey into the feminine psyche of these leading ladies of scripture. Eve, Abigail, Sapphira., not only is a voice in the wilderness to women, but also helps men to understand their God given responsibilities. Jacqueline gives meaningful insight into helping men develop holistic relationships. This book is a must read for men and women looking for successful relationships. -Dr. Yaahn G. Hunter, Senior Pastor, Rescue Mission COGIC - Vallejo, CA - C. H. Mason Bible College, Associate Dean