Mathias Franey, Powder Monkey
Late in the summer afternoon of August 19, 1812, powder monkey Mathias "Minnow"Franey must face his fears when his ship, USS Constitution, opens fire on the British warship HMS Guerriere. Although Mathias has practiced passing cartridges to the gunners, this major battle will test his courage. When he and the crew are under attack, can Minnow find a "man-of war" spirit?
The USS Constitution won a major naval victory when she defeated the British warship HMS Guerriere. The incidents that happened during the battle are recorded fact, and about 20 boys of different ages served as powder monkeys during the encounter. There is nothing known about the individual actions of the boys so writer Ellen W. Leroe used her imagination when creating this story. Working closely with historians from the USS Constitution Museum, Leroe accurately depicts what the battle experience would have been like for a young boy such as Mathias.
Illustrator Sarah S. Brannen also worked diligently with the same historians and has created 15 facinating water color illustrations. Look closely at the crews clothing, the battle scenes, and the Constitution itself. These illustrations accurately tell this historic tale.
An excellent choice for introducing young readers to the War of 1812, children ages 5-9 will be inspired by this endearing story of triumph and will yearn to learn more about America's history.