Ye Have Been Hid - Finding the Lost Tribes of Israel
The subject of the "Lost Tribes" of Israel has been of interest for generations. Especially is this true for members of The LDS Church because of the many references to them in the Book of Mormon & D&C, in addition to the pronouncement of their fate in the 10th Article of Faith.
Incredible myths have abounded, and sometimes been promoted in the religious classroom. None of the "hollow earth" or "on a star" legends, however, are as exciting or interesting as the truths concerning them set out in the scriptures.
This book is the result of almost 40 years of study, and lays out the scriptural record of the House of Israel from its beginning through its history of captivity, journey to the "promised land," division into two kingdoms, subsequent defeat and captivity.
For the most part, the Israelite tribes were scattered, mixed among the Gentile nations, and most, eventually, forgot their lineage. All of this was foretold by the Lord's prophets, with their scattering, latter-day gathering, and then a restored identity to those who had forgotten it, clearly laid out.
The book is also a collection of fascinating histories, traditions, and legends held by people from many countries of the earth tracing their family lines back to those northern Israelites we call the "Lost Tribes." They are found in China, Japan, Africa, the countries of the former U.S.S.R., the Middle East, North and South America, and many other places.
The book is a celebration of the Lord's kept promises to His people and a reminder of the responsibilities of all who are "His."
"This book dispels the plethora of myths surrounding the scattering and gathering of Israel, which perennially make their way into every Sunday School, Seminary, and Institute discussion. It gives us a mature and impeccable scriptural road map of Israel's apostasy and travels. Careful teachers would find this volume a most useful reference."
-Vivian McConkie Adams