What is the origin of this humanity on planet Earth? What is the origin of all of the races, of Nature, of all which has been, is, and shall be?
"There are facts, cosmic and geological events, that are worthwhile to study in these treatises of Gnostic anthropology. There is no doubt that Gnostic, scientific anthropology unveils all veils related with the origin of the human being and the universe." (Samael Aun Weor)
Moving far beyond the limitations of conventional thought, this book presents a view of this planet which is harmonious with all of our most ancient traditions, and indicates the path towards the resolution of our most fundamental problems.
Topics include: The Evolution of Mankind; Darwin; The Theory of Natural Selection; Haeckel; Huxley; Cosmic Ages; Prehistoric Men; Men from Apes or Mice?: Easter Island; Lemuria; Atlantis; Adam and Eve; The Book of Genesis; Religion vs. Science; The Fourth Dimension; The Kabbalah; Dinosaurs; The Root Races of Humanity; and much more.