Zone: Zero (New Series, 24)
Poetry. Multimedia. Stephanie Strickland's new book, ZONE:ZERO, comes with an interactive CD containing two digital poems, "The Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot" and "slippingglimpse." Within the book, these poems appear as print sequences, one of which won the Boston Review prize. "Strickland is one of contemporary poetry's polymaths: her poetry displays an astonishing command of scientific knowledge (for instance Kurt Goedel's Incompleteness Theorem), technical know-how, especially in the realm of electronic poetics, and unusual verbal virtuosity. The piece de resistance in ZONE : ZERO is the interactive generative Flash poem `slippingglimpse,' in which text and video, made by using motion capture coding, combine so as to create a genuinely new and distinctive eco-poetry. Readers/viewers will find themselves totally mesmerized"--Marjorie Perloff.