Grails in Action
For web developers used to wrestling with Java and XML, Grails is a breath offresh air. Developers are instantly productive, picking up all the benefits of theRuby-based Rails framework without giving up any of the power of Java.
Grails in Action is a comprehensive look at Grails for Java developers. It coversthe nuts and bolts of the core Grails components and is jam-packed withtutorials, techniques, and insights from the trenches.
The book starts with an overview of Grails and how it can help you get your webdev mojo back. Then it walks readers through a Twitter-style social networkingapp-built in Grails, of course-where they implement high-interest featureslike mashups, AJAX/JSON, animation effects, full text search, rounded corners,and lots of visual goodness. The book also covers using Grails with existing Javatechnology, like Spring, Hibernate, and EJBs.
Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book.