Paper Kills 2.0 - How Health IT Can Help Save Your Life and Your Money
Just think of it: we administer the largest, most complex, and arguably the most important sector of our economy with manila envelopes even though our lives and well-being are at stake. Not only is it virtually impossible to fix our system s current problems with paper records, but they are a main cause of and contributor to alarming rates of medical errors, breathtaking levels of waste, and perpetually rising costs. These problems and more are why moving healthcare into the 21st century through health information technology (HIT) is so essential. And the benefits are clear. Updated, accurate, and comprehensive patient information at the point of care will prevent medical errors and will allow physicians, nurses, and providers to make better, more informed decisions. Electronic access to information will reduce duplicative and unnecessary tests and treatments. Automating cumbersome, manual processes will streamline workflow, eliminate inefficiencies, and lower costs.