The Golden Principles: Life and Leadership Lessons from a Rescued Dog
We adopted Redford from a horrible situation when he, along with 65 other dogs, was rescued from an Arkansas puppy mill in the fall of 2004. When he came to our home, he had much to learn about relationships and trust. And so did we. The Golden Principles captures ten key life and leadership lessons we ve learned from loving this wonderful, wounded dog. The Golden Principles: 1. It doesn t matter how much you love someone, it takes time for your love to be trusted. 2. If you really want to reach someone, you have to get down to their level. 3. Positive reinforcement always works better than negative reinforcement. 4. Always remember who you need to connect with. 5. Emotional commitment comes through emotional connection. 6. Leading and loving are both expensive propositions. 7. Its not about me. 8. Sometimes peers make the best leaders. 9. Start slow and build momentum. 10. Change takes time.