A Blueprint for the Foundation of Algebra (MIND's Institute Algebra Readiness Program, Volume 3)
This is a three volume set consisting of [1] Volume 1; ISBN 1-933787-51-1; Whole Numbers, Ratios and Fractions; Pages 1-322. [2] Volume 2; ISBN 1-933787-52-X; Equations with Rational Numbers; Pages 323-781. [3] Volume 3; ISBN 1-933787-53-8; The Coordinate Plane and Advanced Topics; Pages 782-1139. --------------------From Author's Preface: It wasn't until after high school that I realized that mathematics is not about memorizing disconnected facts and formulas like it had seemed in my math classes. I discovered that the seemingly separate math concepts are actually connected to each other and work together to form a beautiful and fascinating universe. Once you understand the connections, you no longer have to rely as much on memory because you know how and why the mathematics works. In this course, I've attempted to present the foundational concepts and skills of algebra in a concrete way that you can easily see. I use lots of diagrams to illustrate the mathematical concepts for students who learn visually like I do. I've also explained everything in words, which I hope will be easy to read and understand. Nothing is taken for granted. Everything is explained.