The Woods In Your Backyard: Learning to Create and Enhance Natural Areas Around Your Home
This guide promotes the stewardship of small land parcels for the owner's enjoyment and for improved environmental quality. Written for educators and owners of 1 to 10 acres of wooded or unmowed natural areas in the eastern United States and for land owners that want to turn mowed areas into woodlands. By reading this guide, completing the activities, and reviewing the resources, you will achieve a better understanding of your land and develop a strategy to achieve your goals. This includes: Understanding the benefits of managing your land Mapping your property, assessing why you own it, and what you hope it will become Understanding how your place functions in the larger landscape Identifying habitat units on your property Learning basics of tree identification, forestry, and habitat management Assessing and improving your property's water resources, recreational possibilities, and aesthetic appeal Choosing a few backyard projects to help meet your goals Setting a timetable and marking your progress The second edition of The Woods in Your Backyard was authored by Jonathan Kays, Adam K. Downing, Jim Finley, Andrew A. Kling, Craig Highfield, Nevin Dawson, and Joy Drohan. Foreword by Doug Tallamy.