Brides of the Multitude - Prostitution in the Old West
Brides of the Multitude is a fascinating, historically accurate account of why prostitution ran rampant in the Old West during the prudish Victorian period of the United States. It explains who these fallen women were and touches on their reasons for becoming prostitutes. It details the types of establishments of prostitution that existed, the conditions under which the women worked, and the many problems associated with sexually transmitted diseases and contraception. Weaving facts with colorful anecdotes, author Jeremy Agnew presents a fascinating look at the ladies who conducted business in the infamous red light districts located throughout the frontier. Also in this book, the author debunks many of the myths associated with prostitution in the Old West. He points out the difference between rural and urban soiled doves, as well as Eastern and Western prostitutes. Agnew describes a definite social order that existed among the prostitutes. And, in frank, but not too graphic terms, he brings to light a subject that is not easy to research, but was an integral part of everyday life of the time.