Poetry. "In the nervy, emotionally muted, and genre foot-loose 'post-language' writing scene of the 1990s, Elizabeth Fodaski was a writer that many of us didn't just 'like,' but absolutely revered. Always the designer & engineer of writing instances--from the bottom up (in contrast to merely elasticizing pre-existing writerly habits--a la early 2000s) Fodaski's poetics remains a beacon for innovative ways to re-cut the problematic of representation. This much-awaited new installment to her poetic trajectory is truly a cause for celebration. DOCUMENT demonstrates that a micro-to-macro-and-back scaling of social meaning is still a horizon worth exploring. Striking in this collection are the artful synchronizations of the social surround's harder edges with 'internal meditation' after-image effects; many other effects abound. If the buzz today is all about 're-purposing'--in technology, art, urbanization, and politics, then this is re-purposing in and of poetic thought"--Rodrigo Toscano.