The Power in Your Money Personality: 8 Ways to Balance Your Urge to Splurge With Your Craving for Saving
Stressed out financially? No wonder! Every time you make a financial decision, as many as 8 money personalities are competing for control of your cash flow. Any one of the "Rascals" can lead you to riches--or ruin. Whether you're a chronic overspender, underspender, or somewhere in between, this book shows you how to take control and transform your strengths and weaknesses into permanent wealth. You'll learn how to: identify your dominant money personality; hear the hidden voices guiding your money choices; look at family history and expectations that may be guiding your money habits; let go of the guilt, stress, worry--any painful emotions surrounding your money; get rid of debt without feeling deprived of spending; begin saving and investing for long-term security; start handling your money with confidence--maybe for the first time in your life.