Sound Learning: 12 Weeks to Joyful Literacy
After years of success in their own classrooms, Kindergarten teachers, Karen Durrick and Julie Pyne, are ready to share their unique literacy strategies called Sound Learning with the world. More than lessons and routines, Sound Learning is an engaging, flexible framework that leads emergent readers into the world of literacy. Sound Learning bundles formerly compartmentalized lessons into real-life literacy including: oral language, letter learning, phonics, blending, genres, concepts of print, letter writing and strategies for encoding and decoding.
Why is Sound Learning So Amazing?
Because it:
Focuses on meaning, not just phonics
Develops problem solving with text
Helps students experience sounds in context immediately
Teaches multiple sounds for letters
Incorporates correct letter form learning
Links environmental sounds to letters
Provides cross-curricular readers
Includes multiple genres (poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and storytelling)
Creates a collaborative process that activates and excites children
Aligns to State Standards while being developmentally appropriate and fun