World's End I
The Lanny Budd Series; a total of 7,340 pages, covering world events during the 1941 - 1953 period. Often called "the greatest historical novel of the 20th century."
World's End I is followed by World's End II (193131313X); Between Two Worlds I (1931313024); Between Two Worlds II (1931313148); Dragon's Teeth I (1931313032); Dragon's Teeth II (1931313156); Wide is the Gate I (1931313044); Wide is the Gate II (1931313164); Presidential Agent I (1931313059); Presidential Agent II (1931313180); Dragon Harvest I (1931313067); Dragon Harvest II (1931313202.); A World to Win I (1931313075); A World to Win II (1931313229); Presidential Mission I (1931313083); Presidential Mission II (1931313245); One Clear Call I (1931313091); One Clear Call II (1931313261); O Shepherd, Speak! I (1931313105); O Shepherd, Speak! II (1931313288); The Return of Lanny Budd I (1931313113); The Return of Lanny Budd II (193131330X).