The Ziggurat Model: A Framework for Designing Comprehensive Interventions for Individuals With High-functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome
The Ziggurat Model is a valuable resource for public school professionals who must remain in compliance with federal and state guidelines. Specifically, recent trends in special education law emphasize the use of scientifically based research approaches along with a focus on Response to Intervention (RTI). Additionally, there is a strong push for incorporating positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) based on a functional behavioral assessment. The Ziggurat Model is consistent with these practices. The Ziggurat Model is unique. While it is easy to find volumes of information describing specific interventions, it is difficult to find information on how to develop an intervention plan. This book presents a process and framework for designing comprehensive interventions for individuals of all ages with autism spectrum disorders. The Ziggurat Model was designed to simplify a complex process. Parents and professionals will find the framework of the Ziggurat Model to be a guide in developing more thorough and effective interventions. The book includes assessment tools, case scenarios, and many interventions that were developed with their needs in mind. The Ziggurat Model foreword is written by Dr. Gary Mesibov, Director of Division TEACCH.