Looking Within: L'Esprit des Masques
This full-color hardback book features a unique collection of 28 masks created by artist Peter Sanderson.His mask-making encompasses a wide range of organic material including flowers, grasses, lichen, and bark. Some of his masks demand more detail and patience than others. For example, the red mask in the Three Faces of Hope is made up of Statice, requiring 61,000 petals alone! Accompanying each full-color plate of the 28 masks are descriptive verses that capture the spirit and energy that each mask reveals to the reader. In truth, a mask is a spiritual teacher reading deep into our subconscious as it mirrors and awakens hidden emotions on our path of self-discovery. The artist welcomes us to enjoy and challenges us to grow with the aura and personality of each mask on our journey leading to our own identity and beauty.Along with this colorful showcase of Peter Sanderson's masks are brief narratives of each mask's creative process and composition.