One Hundred Sheep: Skip Counting Songs from the Gospels CD
Everything you need for 24 complete lessons. In these lessons, students make a Lots of Science Library Book using the masters provided inside. Information, pictures and diagrams make the study of the Human body and senses meaningful. The lab activities, the exclusive Investigate Loop process helps students get the most from their experience. Complete and clear directions are provided, along with materials lists, questions to ask and data for students to record. 3D graphic organizers make complicated material simple. Students see and touch each part, increasing understanding and retention. Teacher pages include vocabulary words, concept maps, assessments, assignments for all grade levels and enrichment activities. In this courage you will learn about the: skeletal system, bones, muscular system, skin, hair & nails, blood, heart, respiratory system, nervous system, brain, sight, perception, hearing, smell, taste, touch, digestive system, urinary system, lymphatic system, immune system, endocrine system, reproductive system & more.