Crack at Dusk : Crook of Dawn
"In this universe, there are Good Spirits, Trickster Spirits, and Evil Spirits", announced Winona, the elderly Sioux medicine woman to psychologist Dr. Meggie O'Connor before departing to the Other Side. Whereas bestsellers Winona's Web and Compass of the Heart introduced the reader to the Good Spirits and the Trickster Spirits, "Crack at Dusk: Crook of Dawn" draws one into the vortex of evil. In this lyrical tale of love and healing, Winona's cousin Hawk and Meggie struggle to help Winona's grandson make sense of a terrible, traumatic experience. Love is always at the center, as "Crack at Dusk: Crook of Dawn" delves into the bicultural conflict between the medicine man and the psychologist struggling in their own ways to heal the boy. Together, Hawk and Meggie rediscover the healing power of the Sacred Pipe, stories, and the human imagination.