Book Production Procedures for Today's Technology, 2nd ed.
With numerous examples, illustrations, and sidebars, Book Production for Today's Technology is the only publication directed to the needs of the book production professional--a step-by-step manual geared to today's publishing technology. The second edition, updated and revised to reflect the dramatic advances in production technology, is based on the first edition's years of use in publishing program and training classes around the country. The book: --Organizes, defines, and explains the many production steps and tasks in terms of the Book Production Model. --Clarifies the production manager's role, as well as the roles of freelancers and vendors. --Places production management in the context of the overall mission of the publishing firm. --Contains abundant practical tips and suggestions on production practices. --Has expanded coverage of such key areas as copy editing and permissions, as well fully updated coverage of electronic editing, handling electronic proof, and prepress technology. --Offers, in one publication, a body of knowledge for ongoing reference, including three appendixes on graphics, book design and typography, and estimating book length.