Move Your Office: How to Find the Right Office Space for Your Business, Negotiate the Lease Terms and Manage a Successful Office Relocation
Move Your Office: How to Find the Right Space, Negotiate the Lease and Manage a Successful Relocation is THE definitive resource for busy professionals like you who need to plan, execute and manage their next office move seamlessly - and look good doing it, too! Inside, Move Your Office: How to Find the Right Space, Negotiate the Lease and Manage a Successful Relocation is easy, no-nonsense instruction that will give you all the tools and confidence you'll need to: * Create an effective, winning relocation strategy that saves you time, money and resources! * Find the best, most efficient office space that truly fits your needs! * Create your best, most effective Request for Proposal (RFP) that gives you real results! * Effectively manage complex negotiations with multiple vendors and contractors easily! * Manage and coordinate pre and post relocation phases like budgeting, communications, IT and office furniture layout seamlessly! Tools, tips, guidance and expert instruction are all yours inside Move Your Office: How to Find the Right Space, Negotiate the Lease and Manage a Successful RelocationIt's your move - use Move Your Office: How to Find the Right Space, Negotiate the Lease and Manage a Successful Relocation - and do it right.