Polar Bears: The Arctic's Fearless Great Wanderers (Amazing Stories)
Around the Arctic Circle and for some distance on either side of it, polar bears are at the top of the food chain. They have no natural enemies and are fearless. Wherever the North has icy seas, there are polar bears, living on the ice and hunting seals-their favorite food-with matchless cunning and ability. They roam far and wide, often being found far south of their Arctic habitat: they are seen regularly in Churchill, Manitoba, on the western shores of Hudson Bay, and have been spotted to the south and east in James Bay. They rarely attack humans, but when they do, they win. Considered wise and powerful by Native cultures, they have become a charismatic symbol of animals threatened by climate change in the Arctic ecosystem. Anthony Dalton has gathered stories of Ursus maritimus from most of the lands that touch upon the Arctic Circle: Canada, Greenland, Norway, Siberia and Alaska. These fascinating tales depict the bears' single-minded approach to life and acquiring food, tell of interactions between polar bears and humans, and capture the majesty of this mighty bear.