More Precious than Pearls: The Mother's Blessing and God's Favour Towards Women (with Study Guide)
Did you know the women of Israel refused to participate in building the golden calf? Or that they were the first to sacrifice their jewellery for the building of the tabernacle?
More Precious than Pearls looks at nuances in the Hebrew text not normally found in English translations. Be surprised by God's joy and His rewards for women--because they so often were steadfast and faithful when the men wavered.
Two versions of this book are available: one with simple study prompts for small groups and one without this study guide. Each version includes prayers for you or for the women in your life. In addition, for mothers or grandmothers, there are special blessings to declare over your children.
A French edition, Plus pr�cieuse que des perles: La b�n�diction d'une m�re et la faveur de Dieu envers les femmes, is also available.