Play the 2 c3 Sicilian (Play Chess Openings)
A Gambit Classic Reissue: Two experts explain the most popular anti-Sicilian system\nThe Sicilian Defence is far and away the most popular chess opening, and an intimidating body of theory has been developed around its main lines. Moreover, in those main lines White grants his opponent a central majority which may prove an important factor later on.\nMany players prefer to avoid the all-or-nothing attacks of the Open Sicilian, turning instead to the positionally sound 2 c3 line. White prepares to seize space and will develop his pieces rapidly to natural squares. Those who specialize in the 2 c3 Sicilian find it to be an excellent point-scorer, as Black has not only objective difficulties to contend with, but also has the psychological problem that he is battling just for equality, with little prospect of taking the initiative.\nThis book provides a comprehensive and insightful picture of the theory of this important and popular opening.\nEduardas Rozentalis is a strong grandmaster (best Elo rating 2650) from Lithuania. He is well known as a specialist in various opening systems, notably the 2 c3 Sicilian, that he has played for many years and enriched with many new and imaginative ideas. This is his second chess book.\nAndrew Harley is a FIDE Master from England who has specialized in the 2 c3 Sicilian for many years. This is also his second chess book.\n"nearly every chapter and variation contains new and interesting ideas, often treated in great detail ... It is also a tribute to the open-minded approach of the authors that they can find counter-intuitive moves that effectively change the assessment of a position that has been around for years and dismissed as dully equal. Several times they demonstrate a definite if small White advantage by pursuing some simplified middlegame that looks prospectless until you realize that it really is difficult for Black to coordinate his pieces. I certainly had to reevaluate my assessments of some key variations." - IM John Watson\n"every time where a general evaluation is more pertinent than a simple list of variations, one finds clear explanations which, taken together, give a good account of the logic of this opening." - Echec et Mat\n"an impressive new study of the c3 Sicilian ... At their different levels, both co-authors are enthusiastic practitioners of this opening, which tends to give one confidence in their selection of material and assessments. Another strength of the book is the large amount of verbal commentary and explanation. ... another first-class opening book from the Gambit stable. If you play the white or the black side of this opening, this is the book" - Phil Adams\n"The authors of Play the 2 c3 Sicilian have done a wonderful job. They explore all major and minor lines. They often go into detail about the plans, ideas, and tactics of various key positions. And they are not shy about presenting their own analysis and assessments. ... a must buy for anyone wishing to add 2 c3 to their arsenal" - IM Jeremy Silman\n"For all who play this opening with either colour this work will contain much of interest, whilst it may well tempt even more players into taking the c3 Sicilian up as White" - IM Richard Palliser\n"It fully achieves everything I look for in an opening book, including: detailed coverage of all lines, up-to-date inclusion of recent developments, a balanced perspective (i.e. not being biased toward either White or Black), a clear explanation of why moves are made (instead of merely listing variations), a detailed lesson on the key pawn structures and principles typically arising from the opening in question, as well as the authors' original improvements sprinkled throughout." - Chris Chambers, Georgia Chess\n"the kind of detailed, in-depth coverage one has come to expect from Gambit" - Mark Donlan, Chess Horizons