Living Magical Arts: Imagination and Magic for the 21st Century
Living Magical Arts is founded upon the author's practical
experience of the Western Magical Traditions, and contains
specific teachings from within a living and long established
initiatory line of British, French, and Russian esoteric tradition.
Living Magical Arts offers a new and clear approach
to the philosophy and practice of magic for the twenty-first
century, stripping away the accumulated nonsense found in many
repetitive publications, and re-stating the art for contemporary
use. This book offers a coherent illustrated set of magical
techniques for individual or group use, leading to profound
changes of consciousness and subtle energy.
Magical arts are revealed as an enduring system of insight into
human and universal consciousness, combining a practical
spiritual psychology (long predating materialist psychology) with
an effective method of relating to the physical world. Many of the
obscure aspects of magical work are clarified, with insights into
themes such as the origins of magical arts, working with subtle
forces, partaking of esoteric traditions, liberating sexual energies,
magical effects upon the world of nature, and the future potential
and development of creative magic.